About Us
Albert Pike Lodge No. 303
Welcome to Albert Pike Lodge No. 303, a premier Masonic Lodge in Wichita, Kansas, chartered under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Kansas A.F.&A.M. We stand as a beacon of tradition, an integral part of Wichita’s history, and a living testament to the enduring principles of Freemasonry.

In this photograph capturing the 2023 Albert Pike Lodge No. 303 officer line, led by Worshipful Master Garth Bloom. This arrangement reflects the lodge’s tradition and camaraderie. Adorned in their Masonic regalia, they exude dignity in a setting rich with symbolism. Worshipful Master Bloom, positioned at the forefront, personifies leadership and wisdom.
Mission and Beliefs:
Our mission is guided by the enduring and relevant tenets of our fraternity: brotherly love, relief, and truth. We value religious, ethnic, cultural, social, and educational differences. We respect the rights of others and strive to develop as human beings. Freemasonry seeks to give men of all creeds a way to meet in brotherhood and mutual respect, to join together in common causes to benefit those in need.
Our continuous pursuit of knowledge, ethics, spirituality, and leadership brings more meaning to our lives. We make a difference in our communities through charitable giving, community service, and volunteerism. We strive to be better spouses, parents, and family members, and we are committed to protecting the well-being of our members and their families, especially when they are in need. Masons value our God-given liberties as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and continually promote those freedoms, including those of speech and expression, and those that allow each to worship a Supreme Being in an individual and moral way. A Mason must never put his duties and responsibilities to Masonry ahead of his duties and responsibilities to his family, to his God, or to his country.
Our Story

Established in Wichita, Kansas in 1895
Although the exact history of the Craft is lost to antiquity, and can only be represented in allegory, the history of our Lodge is well known. Our Lodge is named after Brother Albert Pike, who lived from 1809-1891, and who for much of his life served the organization of Freemasonry with great dedication.
The Grand Lodge of Kansas was organized in 1856, with R. R. Rees as Grand Master. [Twelve] years later, in 1868, a dispensation was granted by the then Grand Master, John H. Brown, to Mystic Tie Lodge at Augusta. On October 22, 1869, the Grand Lodge granted a charter to Mystic Tie Lodge No. 74, and Masonic Lodge work thus came into this region. On October 20, 1870, a committee from Wichita applied to Mystic Tie Lodge no. 74 for a recommendation to form a Lodge at Wichita, and Mystic Tie Lodge granted the recommendation.
The Grand Master, John M. Price, issued a dispensation to Wichita Lodge, and in October 1871, the Grand Lodge granted a charter to Wichita Lodge No. 99. In due course, Wichita Lodge No. 99 gave its recommendation to the formation of Sunflower Lodge No. 86, which was chartered by the Grand Lodge in 1889.
Wichita Lodge No. 99 and Sunflower Lodge No. 86 gave their recommendation for the formation of Albert Pike Lodge, for which the Grand Master, Geo. W. Clark, issued a dispensation dated June 1, 1894, and at the Grand Lodge convocation in 1895, a charter was granted, and the Lodge was given the number 303. The brothers who signed the petition for letters of dispensation were: Charles M. Jones, George W. Bristow, Edward Goldberg, Edward Dumont, Lester B. Noble, Sr., George L. Pratt, Fred H. Stuckey, Thomas G. Fitch, John L. Pewell, Elmer E. Bleckley, Frank W. Oliver, Jas. W. O’Neil, Charles G. Cohn, henry Wallenstein, David B. Herman, George I. Girty, Edward Vail, William W. Pearce, John M. Moore, Goddard Gehring, J. Giles Smith, and Isaac T. Ault. Thus to these men, Albert Pike Lodge owes its start and hence, its existence.
Work under dispensation started June 7, 1894, in a building owned by the Scottish Rite, standing on the northeast corner of First and Market. The building had been the Baptist Church prior to its purchase by the Consistory. The charter granted by the Grand Lodge to Albert Pike Lodge No. 303 is dated February 20, 1895, and the Lodge was duly constituted February 25, 1895 by MW James H. McCall, Grand master, and the following officers were installed: George L. Pratt, WM; Elmer E. Bleckley, SW; Thomas G. Fitch, JW; Edward Vail, Treasurer; Edward Goldberg, Secretary; Fred H. Stuckey, SD; Goddard Gehring, JD; William W. Pearce, SS; William S. Grant, JS; David B. Herman, Tiler.

Albert Pike Lodge No. 303 Temple under Construction, Early 1900s

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – American Poet.
Also notable from this anniversary publication is a work by Longfellow:
“The Builders All are architects of Fate, Working in these walls of time; Some with massive deeds and great, Some with ornaments of rhyme. Nothing useless is, or low; Each thing in its place is best, And what seems but idle show Strengthens and supports the rest. For the structure that we raise, Time is with material filled; Our todays and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we bui’d. Truly shape and fashion these; Leave no yawning gaps between; Think not, because no man sees, Such things will remain unseen. In the elder days of Art, Builders wrought with greatest care. Each minute and unseen part; For the gods seen everywhere. Let us do our work as well, Both the unseen and the seen; Make the house where God may dwell, Beautiful entire and clean. Else our lives are incomplete, Standing in these walls of Time, Broken stairways where the feet Stumble as they seek to climb. Build today, then, strong and sure, With a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure Shall tomorrow find its place.”
Curious about joining our fraternity and becoming a part of our storied history? If you’re interested in learning more about the rich traditions of Albert Pike Lodge No. 303 and how you can play a role in our future, we invite you to explore our Membership page. Take the first step towards becoming a Freemason in Wichita by filling out our form, and discover the unique brotherhood that awaits you.